Who Are You? (The Dreaded Question)

“Who are you?” is possibly one of the most dreaded questions you can be asked. And yet we’re expected to answer variations of this question everyday.
With the way social media pervades a significant portion of our lives, there’s no escape from being confronted with this question, in one form or another.
For each platform you join, you’re required to fill out a bio, profile, an about page, etc. that succinctly and charmingly conveys a glimpse into who you are.
Drives me crazy.
Who am I?
There is no definitive answer. As frustrating as it may be.
Whenever I’m confronted with the “Who are you?” question, my inner voice replies in one of two ways:
- “I don’t know!”
- “I’m Jean Valjean!” (Les Miz fans may know this reference)
Deep down we know that we are more than what can be expressed in a little box.
We are not meant to be contained.
We are more than our names, the way we look, the roles we play.
We are more than what we do, what we have and what we don’t.
We are more than our past, the choices we made – regretful or not.
We are more than our age, who we love and who loves us.
We are more than how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us.
We are so much more than we give ourselves credit for.